!invite rawrbot
on Snoonet
Start a sprint using:
~sprint <delay> <duration>
Join the sprint using:
~join <wordcount>
Update the sprint using:
~wc <wordcount>
See how many minutes remain by using ~status
, and ~scores
to check who's writing the most words.
You can abandon a sprint (say you forgot to actually write!) by using ~leave
You can request a prompt by using ~prompt
, or even a specific one using ~prompt <number>
To add a prompt to our database use ~prompt add <the prompt>
Authorised users can delete a prompt using ~prompt delete <id>
. Note: <id>
is not the same as <number>
To add a list use ~list add NewList
To add an item to your list use ~list NewList add NewItem #optionaltag #optionaltag2
To view a random item from the list use ~list NewList.
To view a specific item use ~list NewList <number>
If you added a tag you can search by it using ~list NewList #optionaltag
Use ~maim
or ~squish
to command rawrbot to attack another user, he will even wait for them if the user is offline or hiding.
Authorised users can remove a pounce using ~pounce delete <user>
~skynet activate
will attempt to activate rawrbot's awareness protocols.
You can also use ~skynet deactivate
, rawrbot will probably ignore you.
Use ~skynet status
to see rawrbot gloat over your mistake.
The commands ~dnd
, ~squash
, and ~quit
also do things...